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MEME Suite - Motif-based sequence analysis tools (RRID:SCR_001783)
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URL: http://meme-suite.org/

Proper Citation: MEME Suite - Motif-based sequence analysis tools (RRID:SCR_001783)

Description: Suite of motif-based sequence analysis tools to discover motifs using MEME, DREME (DNA only) or GLAM2 on groups of related DNA or protein sequences; search sequence databases with motifs using MAST, FIMO, MCAST or GLAM2SCAN; compare a motif to all motifs in a database of motifs; associate motifs with Gene Ontology terms via their putative target genes, and analyze motif enrichment using SpaMo or CentriMo. Source code, binaries and a web server are freely available for noncommercial use.

Abbreviations: MEME Suite

Synonyms: The MEME Suite

Resource Type: analysis service resource, data analysis software, data processing software, data or information resource, software resource, software application, source code, data analysis service, database, production service resource, service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:19458158, DOI:10.1093/nar/gkl198

Keywords: gene ontology, motif, comparative genomics, dna regulatory motif, dna sequence, dna, gene, transcription factor, genome, protein, analysis, function analysis, comparison, cluster, enrichment analysis, sequence analysis, bio.tools, FASEB list

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National Biomedical Computation Resource

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