URL: http://www.nbcr.net/
Proper Citation: National Biomedical Computation Resource (RRID:SCR_002656)
Description: Biomedical technology research center that conducts, catalyzes and enables multiscale biomedical research, focusing on four key activities: 1) integrating computational, data and visualization resources in a transparent, advanced grid environment to enable better access to distributed data, computational resources, instruments and people; 2) developing and deploying advanced computational tools for modeling and simulation, data analysis, query and integration, three-dimensional image processing and interactive visualization; 3) delivering and supporting advanced grid/cyberinfrastructure for biomedical researchers; and 4) training a cadre of new researchers to have an interdisciplinary, working knowledge of computational technology relevant to biomedical scientists. NBCR enables biomedical scientists to address the challenge of integrating detailed structural measurements from diverse scales of biological organization that range from molecules to organ systems in order to gain quantitative understanding of biological function and phenotypes. Predictive multi-scale models and their driving biological research problems together address issues in modeling of sub-cellular biophysics, building molecular modeling tools to accelerate discovery, and defining tools for patient-specific multi-scale modeling. NBCR furthers these driving problems by developing tools and models based on rapid advances in mathematics and information technology, incorporating them into NBCR pipelines or problem solving environments, and addressing the inevitable changes in the underlying cyber-infrastructure technologies and continually adapting codes over time. Their technology focus integrates both the biological applications and the underlying support software into reproducible science workflows that can function across a number of physical infrastructures.
Abbreviations: NBCR
Synonyms: NBCR - National Biomedical Computation Resource
Resource Type: training resource, biomedical technology research center
Keywords: computation, molecule, visualization, software, cyberinfrastructure, biomedical, computing, informatics, computational tool, modeling, simulation, data analysis, query, integration, image processing, grid computing, cluster, computing and informatics technology center
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