URL: http://meme.nbcr.net/meme/cgi-bin/gomo.cgi
Proper Citation: GOMO - Gene Ontology for Motifs (RRID:SCR_008864)
Description: Gene Ontology for Motifs (GOMO) is an alignment- and threshold-free comparative genomics approach for assigning functional roles to DNA regulatory motifs from DNA sequence. The algorithm detects associations between a user-specified DNA regulatory motif (expressed as a position weight matrix; PWM) and Gene Ontology terms. The original method for predicting the roles of transcription factors (TFs starts with a PWM motif describing the DNA-binding affinity of the TF. GOMO uses the PWM to score the promoter region of each gene in the genome for its likelihood to be bound by the TF. The resulting ''''affinity'''' scores are then used to test each term in the Gene Ontology for association with high-scoring genes. The algorithm was subsequently extended to leverage conserved signals using multiple, related species in a comparative approach, which greatly improves the resulting annotations. Platform: Online tool, Windows compatible, Mac OS X compatible, Linux compatible, Unix compatible
Abbreviations: GOMO
Synonyms: Gene Ontology for Motifs
Resource Type: data processing software, production service resource, software application, software resource, service resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource
Defining Citation: PMID:20147307, PMID:18544606
Keywords: gene, motif, genomics, gene ontology, function, compare, ontology or annotation editor, statistical analysis, dna binding motif, dna binding, dna, transcription factor, sequence
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