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RRID:SCR_006917 RRID Copied      
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BioCarta Pathways (RRID:SCR_006917)
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URL: http://www.biocarta.com/

Proper Citation: BioCarta Pathways (RRID:SCR_006917)

Description: BioCarta Pathways allows users to observe how genes interact in dynamic graphical models. Online maps available within this resource depict molecular relationships from areas of active research. In an open source approach, this community-fed forum constantly integrates emerging proteomic information from the scientific community. It also catalogs and summarizes important resources providing information for over 120,000 genes from multiple species. Find both classical pathways as well as current suggestions for new pathways.

Synonyms: BioCarta Pathways

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Keywords: graphical model, molecular interaction, molecular relationship, pathway, proteomics, bio.tools, FASEB list

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Database for Annotation Visualization and Integrated Discovery

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Pathway Interaction Database

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hiPathDB - human integrated Pathway DB with facile visualization

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