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RRID:SCR_006866 RRID Copied      
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Pathway Interaction Database (RRID:SCR_006866)
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URL: http://pid.nci.nih.gov

Proper Citation: Pathway Interaction Database (RRID:SCR_006866)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE, documented on July 27, 2016. Curated database of information about known biomolecular interactions and key cellular processes assembled into signaling pathways. All interactions are assembled into pathways, and can be accessed by performing searches for biomolecules, or processes, or by viewing predefined pathways. This was a collaborative project between the NCI and Nature Publishing Group (NPG) from 2006 until September 22nd, 2012, and is no longer being updated. PID is aimed at the cancer research community and others interested in cellular pathways, such as neuroscientists, developmental biologists, and immunologists. The database focuses on the biomolecular interactions that are known or believed to take place in human cells. It can be browsed as an online encyclopedia, used to run computational analyses, or employed in ways that combine these two approaches. In addition to PID''''s predefined pathways, search results are displayed as dynamically constructed interaction networks. These features of PID render it a useful tool for both biologists and bioinformaticians. PID offers a range of search features to facilitate pathway exploration. Users can browse the predefined set of pathways or create interaction network maps centered on a single molecule or cellular process of interest. In addition, the batch query tool allows users to upload long list(s) of molecules, such as those derived from microarray experiments, and either overlay these molecules onto predefined pathways or visualize the complete molecular connectivity map. Users can also download molecule lists, citation lists and complete database content in extensible markup language (XML) and Biological Pathways Exchange (BioPAX) Level 2 format. The database is supplemented by a concise editorial section that includes specially written synopses of recent important research articles in areas related to cancer research, and specially commissioned Bioinformatics Primers that provide practical advice on how to make the most of other relevant online resources. The database and editorial content are updated monthly, and users can opt to receive a monthly email alert to stay informed about new content. Note: as of September 23, 2012 the PID is no longer being actively curated. NCI will maintain the PID website and data for twelve months beyond September 2012 to allow interested parties to obtain the previously curated data before the site is retired in September 2013.

Abbreviations: PID, NCI Nature PID

Synonyms: Pathway Interaction Database

Resource Type: database, data or information resource, data analysis service, analysis service resource, service resource, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:18832364

Keywords: cellular process, interaction, neuroscience, pathway, molecule, cancer, molecular interaction, signaling pathway, visualization, connectivity, interaction network

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National Cancer Institute

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