Proper Citation: zfishbook (RRID:SCR_006896)
Description: Collection of revertible protein trap gene-breaking transposon (GBT) insertional mutants in zebrafish with active or cryopreserved lines from initially identified lines. Open to community-wide contributions including expression and functional annotation and represents world-wide central hub for information on how to obtain these lines from diverse members of International Zebrafish Protein Trap Consortium (IZPTC) and integration within other zebrafish community databases including Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN), Ensembl and National Center for Biotechnology Information. Registration allows users to save their favorite lines for easy access, request lines from Mayo Clinic catalog, contribute to line annotation with appropriate credit, and puts them on optional mailing list for future zfishbook newletters and updates.
Abbreviations: zfishbook
Synonyms: book, z fish book, zfishbook, fish, z
Resource Type: biomaterial supply resource, material resource
Defining Citation: PMID:22067444
Keywords: gene-breaking transposon, expression-tagged, revertible mutation, gene, transposon, mutation, mutant, brain, muscle, skin, secretory, cardiac, brain line, muscle line, skin line, secretory line, cardiac line, plasmid, expression, functional annotation, gene-breaking transposon line, gene-break transposon mutagenesis, cell line, annotation, embryonic zebrafish, larval zebrafish,
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