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RRID:SCR_002037 RRID Copied      
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Addgene (RRID:SCR_002037)
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URL: http://www.addgene.org

Proper Citation: Addgene (RRID:SCR_002037)

Description: Non-profit plasmid repository dedicated to helping scientists around the world share high-quality plasmids. Facilitates archiving and distributing DNA-based research reagents and associated data to scientists worldwide. Repository contains over 65,000 plasmids, including special collections on CRISPR, fluorescent proteins, and ready-to-use viral preparations. There is no cost for scientists to deposit plasmids, which saves time and money associated with shipping plasmids themselves. All plasmids are fully sequenced for validation and sequencing data is openly available. We handle the appropriate Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) with institutions, facilitating open exchange and offering intellectual property and liability protection for depositing scientists. Furthermore, we curate free educational resources for the scientific community including a blog, eBooks, video protocols, and detailed molecular biology resources.

Synonyms: Addgene Repository, Addgene Plasmid Database

Resource Type: storage service resource, data or information resource, service resource, portal, material storage repository, organization portal

Defining Citation: DOI:10.1093/nar/gku893

Keywords: RIN, Resource Information Network, plasmid, molecular biology, sequence alignment, repository, bio.tools, FASEB list

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