URL: http://galaxyproject.org/
Proper Citation: Galaxy (RRID:SCR_006281)
Description: Open, web-based platform providing bioinformatics tools and services for data intensive genomic research. Platform may be used as a service or installed locally to perform, reproduce, and share complete analyses. Galaxy automatically tracks and manages data provenance and provides support for capturing the context and intent of computational methods. Galaxy Community has created Galaxy instances in many different forms and for many different applications including Galaxy servers, cloud services that support Galaxy instances, and virtual machines and containers that can be easily deployed for your own server.The Galaxy team is a part of BX at Penn State, and the Biology and Mathematics and Computer Science departments at Emory University.Training Infrastructure as a Service (TIaaS) is a service offered by some UseGalaxy servers to specifically support training use cases.
Abbreviations: Galaxy
Synonyms: The Galaxy Project, Galaxy Project
Resource Type: production service resource, organization portal, data or information resource, data analysis service, portal, analysis service resource, service resource
Defining Citation: PMID:20738864, PMID:20069535, PMID:16169926
Keywords: bioinformatics, workflow, analysis, data sharing, visualization, cloud, genomics, metagenomics, next-generation sequencing, platform, data set, genaddiction tool
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{{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].familyName }} {{ mention._source.dc.creators[0].initials }}, et al. ({{ mention._source.dc.publicationYear }}) {{ mention._source.dc.title }} {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].name }}, {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].volume }}({{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].issue }}), {{ mention._source.dc.publishers[0].pagination }}. (PMID:{{ mention._id.replace('PMID:', '') }})
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