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RRID:SCR_002846 RRID Copied      
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International HapMap Project (RRID:SCR_002846)
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URL: http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

Proper Citation: International HapMap Project (RRID:SCR_002846)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE, documented August 22, 2016. A multi-country collaboration among scientists and funding agencies to develop a public resource where genetic similarities and differences in human beings are identified and catalogued. Using this information, researchers will be able to find genes that affect health, disease, and individual responses to medications and environmental factors. All of the information generated by the Project will be released into the public domain. Their goal is to compare the genetic sequences of different individuals to identify chromosomal regions where genetic variants are shared. Public and private organizations in six countries are participating in the International HapMap Project. Data generated by the Project can be downloaded with minimal constraints. HapMap project related data, software, and documentation include: bulk data on genotypes, frequencies, LD data, phasing data, allocated SNPs, recombination rates and hotspots, SNP assays, Perlegen amplicons, raw data, inferred genotypes, and mitochondrial and chrY haplogroups; Generic Genome Browser software; protocols and information on assay design, genotyping and other protocols used in the project; and documentation of samples/individuals and the XML format used in the project.

Abbreviations: HapMap

Synonyms: HapMap Project

Resource Type: experimental protocol, narrative resource, data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:14685227

Keywords: genetic variant, disease, genetic sequence, genetic variation, single nucleotide polymorphism, genetic diversity, dna, sequence, catalog, genome, chromosome, bio.tools

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