Figure 1. Resource Information Home Page
Reference the Search Tutorial to find the resource you would like to make a submission for.
Figure 2. Resource Information Display Page
When submitting resource information, confirm that the correct vendor and catalog number are selected before starting a submission. The left side of the Display Page lists all vendors that are known to sell the resource and lists all associated catalog numbers with the RRID, as seen in Figure 2. Once the correct vendor and catalog number are confirmed, you can start a submission by clicking on the "Make A Submission About The Above Product" button. This will direct you to the Submission Form Page, Figure 3.
Figure 3. Resource Information Submission Form
The Submission Form Page contains three required fields to be filled out: Submission Type, Description, and Supporting Documents (optional for certain submission types). In selecting a submission type, instructions on the left side changes to match how the description should be worded. Subsequently, one can add supporting documents to their submission by selecting the document type and either inputting or uploading PMIDs/DOIs or files. These are the list of acceptable documents (PMIDs, DOIs, URLs, Images and PDFs). Once finished, click the "Confirm Submission" button to review the submission form before submitting.
Figure 4. Submission Confirmation Page
Once your submission form is submitted, you will be directed to the Confirmation Page. You can review the submission via your "My Submissions Page" by clicking the "Review Submission" button. You will also receive a confirmation email; this email will contain an overview of your submission.
Figure 5. Submission View
You can check your submission status or update your submission via the "My Submissions Page". To access the "My Submissions Page", be sure to login and click the "View Submissions" button located on the Home Page as well as under the "My Account" tab located on the top right of each page when logged in.