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Biomed Resource Watch | Tutorial Page

How To Search For Validation And Issue Information

Finding The Correct RRID:


Figure 2. Find RRIDs using dkNET Resource Reports

dkNET(NIDDK Information Network) Resource Reports provides a service that enables you to search for information in regards to Antibodies, Cell Lines, Tools and more. By using the search bar as seen in Figure 2, you can search your resource using resource name, catalog number and/or vendor name to retrieve all related entries. Each entry has a corresponding RRID as indicated by the red arrow labelled as "Resource RRID".

Viewing Validation And Issue Information:


Figure 3. Resource Information Display Page

The Resource Information Display Page shows cases of each of the vendors that are known to sell the resource on the left side of the page while presenting validation and issue information on the right side, as seen in Figure 3. Typically there are multiple validation and/or issue statements associated with the resource, so keep in mind to click on the [Show More] button to display more statements. Take note that issue statements are labeled based on severity of the issue, from severe to moderate to mild.

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Making A Submission:

Submission Form

Figure 4. Resource Information Submission Form

Reference the Submission Tutorial to find out how to make a submission.

Submission Tutorial
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