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RRID:SCR_004801 RRID Copied      
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NCBI BioProject (RRID:SCR_004801)
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URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject

Proper Citation: NCBI BioProject (RRID:SCR_004801)

Description: Database of biological data related to a single initiative, originating from a single organization or from a consortium. A BioProject record provides users a single place to find links to the diverse data types generated for that project. It is a searchable collection of complete and incomplete (in-progress) large-scale sequencing, assembly, annotation, and mapping projects for cellular organisms. Submissions are supported by a web-based Submission Portal. The database facilitates organization and classification of project data submitted to NCBI, EBI and DDBJ databases that captures descriptive information about research projects that result in high volume submissions to archival databases, ties together related data across multiple archives and serves as a central portal by which to inform users of data availability. BioProject records link to corresponding data stored in archival repositories. The BioProject resource is a redesigned, expanded, replacement of the NCBI Genome Project resource. The redesign adds tracking of several data elements including more precise information about a project''''s scope, material, and objectives. Genome Project identifiers are retained in the BioProject as the ID value for a record, and an Accession number has been added. Database content is exchanged with other members of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). BioProject is accessible via FTP.

Synonyms: NCBI BioProject Database, BioProject

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:22139929

Keywords: genome sequencing, sequencing, genotype, phenotype, sequence variant, epigenetic, data set, genome, assembly, annotation, mapping, cellular organism, gene mapping, gene expression, biological tag, gene rearrangement, genetic algorithm, genetic code, genetic genealogy, gold standard, bio.tools

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