URL: http://genetics.bwh.harvard.edu/pph2/
Proper Citation: PolyPhen: Polymorphism Phenotyping (RRID:SCR_013189)
Description: Software tool which predicts possible impact of amino acid substitution on structure and function of human protein using straightforward physical and comparative considerations. PolyPhen-2 is new development of PolyPhen tool for annotating coding nonsynonymous SNPs.
Abbreviations: PolyPhen, PolyPhen-2, POLYPHEN
Synonyms: PolyPhen, POLYPHEN, PolyPhen-2, Polymorphism Phenotyping, Polymorphism Phenotyping v2
Resource Type: data analysis software, data processing software, software resource, simulation software, software application
Defining Citation: PMID:20354512, PMID:23315928
Keywords: annotate, nonsynonymous, SNP, predict, coding, damaging, effect, missense, mutation, sequence, variant, phenotype, genetic, disease, exon, protein, coding, fraction, genome, bio.tools
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