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RRID:SCR_008870 RRID Copied      
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Generic GO Term Finder (RRID:SCR_008870)
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URL: http://go.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/GOTermFinder

Proper Citation: Generic GO Term Finder (RRID:SCR_008870)

Description: The Generic GO Term Finder finds the significant GO terms shared among a list of genes from an organism, displaying the results in a table and as a graph (showing the terms and their ancestry). The user may optionally provide background information or a custom gene association file or filter evidence codes. This tool is capable of batch processing multiple queries at once. GO::TermFinder comprises a set of object-oriented Perl modules GO::TermFinder can be used on any system on which Perl can be run, either as a command line application, in single or batch mode, or as a web-based CGI script. This implementation, developed at the Lewis-Sigler Institute at Princeton, depends on the GO-TermFinder software written by Gavin Sherlock and Shuai Weng at Stanford University and the GO:View module written by Shuai Weng. It is made publicly available through the GMOD project. The full source code and documentation for GO:TermFinder are freely available from http://search.cpan.org/dist/GO-TermFinder/. Platform: Online tool, Windows compatible, Mac OS X compatible, Linux compatible, Unix compatible

Abbreviations: GOTermFinder, GO-TermFinder, GO Term Finder, GO::TermFinder

Synonyms: Generic Gene Ontology (GO) Term Finder, Generic Gene Ontology Term Finder

Resource Type: production service resource, service resource, analysis service resource, data processing software, software resource, source code, software application, data analysis service

Defining Citation: PMID:15297299

Keywords: gene ontology, gene, graph, visualization, genomics, gene association, ontology or annotation visualization, term enrichment, ontology, process, function, component, enrichment, bio.tools

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