URL: http://www.mgc.ac.cn/VFs/
Proper Citation: VFDB - Virulence Factors of Bacterial Pathogens (RRID:SCR_007969)
Description: An integrated and comprehensive database of virulence factors for bacterial pathogens (also including Chlamydia and Mycoplasma). VFDB is a platform for further study of comparative pathogenomics. Major features include tabular comparison of pathogenomic composition in terms of virulence, multiple alignments and statistic analysis of homologous virulence genes, and graphical comparison of pathogenomic organization of VFs. Category: Genomics Databases (non-vertebrate) Subcategory: Prokaryotic genome databases
Abbreviations: VFDB
Synonyms: Virulence Factors of Bacterial Pathogens
Resource Type: data or information resource, database
Keywords: bio.tools, FASEB list
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