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RRID:SCR_001520 RRID Copied      
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BacPac Resources Center (RRID:SCR_001520)
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URL: https://bacpacresources.org

Proper Citation: BacPac Resources Center (RRID:SCR_001520)

Description: It is the distribution arm of their academic laboratory. They operate on a cost-recovery mechanism in order to make the resources generated in their laboratory available to the academic scientific community. While clones and screening services are widely available, library arrays are primarily available to researchers with a scientific need to analyze most clones in the library. This site contains information on currently available BAC and PAC genomic DNA libraries, BAC Clones, PAC Clones, Fosmid Clones, cDNA collections, high-density colony hybridization filters, and BAC and PAC cloning vectors. Protocols used in our laboratory for the hybridization-based screening of colony filters, purification of BAC and PAC DNA, and end-sequencing methodologies, are also provided. BPRC does not list clones, for two reasons: 1)most clones have not been characterized and lack specific data. 2)all clones are part of libraries and all clones from a particular library share common characteristics. Hence, to find out if BPRC has a particular clone, one needs either use Automatic Clone Validation or else find out if the clone is compatible with the range of clone names for a corresponding clone library. Typically (although not always), clone names are derived from the library name. BPRC uses the NCBI-recommended clone nomenclature & library nomenclature. Most arrayed libraries are available in frozen microtiter dish format to academic and non-academic users provided that there is a scientific need for complete-library access. (for instance to annotate, modify or analyze all BAC clones as part of a genome project).

Abbreviations: BPRC

Synonyms: BacPac Resources Center: BAC Clones Distribution Center, BAC Clones Distribution Center, BACPAC Resources Center

Resource Type: reagent supplier, material resource

Keywords: clones and screening services, library arrays, genomic DNA libraries, BAC Clones, PAC Clones, Fosmid Clones, cDNA collections, BAC and PAC cloning vectors

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