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DARC - Database for Aligned Ribosomal Complexes (RRID:SCR_006932)
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URL: http://darcsite.genzentrum.lmu.de/darc/

Proper Citation: DARC - Database for Aligned Ribosomal Complexes (RRID:SCR_006932)

Description: A database for aligned ribosomal complexes that provides a resource for directly comparing the structures. A collection of files deposited in the RCSB protein data bank and the Electron Microscopy Data Bank have been aligned so as to make direct comparison of the structures possible. An easy-to-use, searchable interface allows users to access and download >130 cryo-EM maps and >300 atomic models in the format of brix and pdb files, respectively. The aligned coordinate system substantially simplifies direct visualization of conformational changes in the ribosome, such as subunit rotation and head-swiveling, as well as direct comparison of bound ligands, such as antibiotics or translation factors.

Abbreviations: DARC

Synonyms: The DARC site, Database for Aligned Ribosomal Complexes, Database for Aligned Ribosomal Complexes (DARC), DARC site

Resource Type: production service resource, database, model, analysis service resource, data or information resource, data analysis service, service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22009674

Keywords: ribosomal complex, cryo-electron microscopy, ribosomal particle, atomic model, ribosome, x-ray crystallography, structure, bio.tools

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