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GOEAST - Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit (RRID:SCR_006580)
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URL: http://omicslab.genetics.ac.cn/GOEAST/

Proper Citation: GOEAST - Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit (RRID:SCR_006580)

Description: Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit (GOEAST) is a web based software toolkit providing easy to use, visualizable, comprehensive and unbiased Gene Ontology (GO) analysis for high-throughput experimental results, especially for results from microarray hybridization experiments. The main function of GOEAST is to identify significantly enriched GO terms among give lists of genes using accurate statistical methods. Compared with available GO analysis tools, GOEAST has the following unique features: * GOEAST supports analysis for data from various resources, such as expression data obtained using Affymetrix, illumina, Agilent or customized microarray platforms. GOEAST also supports non-microarray based experimental data. The web-based feature makes GOEAST very user friendly; users only have to provide a list of genes in correct formats. * GOEAST provides visualizable analysis results, by generating graphs exhibiting enriched GO terms as well as their relationships in the whole GO hierarchy. * Note that GOEAST generates separate graph for each of the three GO categories, namely biological process, molecular function and cellular component. * GOEAST allows comparison of results from multiple experiments (see Multi-GOEAST tool). The displayed color of each GO term node in graphs generated by Multi-GOEAST is the combination of different colors used in individual GOEAST analysis. Platform: Online tool

Abbreviations: GOEAST

Synonyms: Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit, Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis Software Toolkit (GOEAST)

Resource Type: data analysis service, analysis service resource, production service resource, service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:18487275

Keywords: statistical analysis, gene ontology, high-throughput, microarray, hybridization, gene, visualization, bio.tools

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