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Europe PubMed Central (RRID:SCR_005901)
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URL: http://europepmc.org/

Proper Citation: Europe PubMed Central (RRID:SCR_005901)

Description: Free access to biomedical literature resources including all of PubMed and PubMed Central, agricultural abstracts (from AGRICOLA), over 4 million international life science patents abstracts, National Health Service (NHS) clinical guidelines, and is supplemented with Chinese Biological Abstracts and the Citeseer database. As well as powerful search of abstracts and full text articles, it also includes: * article citations and sort order based on citation count * data citations mined from full text articles * links to and from related databases and institutional repositories * a tool to create bibliographies linked to your ORCID * named entity recognition of keywords and text-mining-based applications showcased in Europe PMC Labs * Tools for recipients of grants from one of the Europe PMC funders to deposit full-text manuscripts and link them to those specific grants. * Web services for programmatic access to all the above bibliographic information and 50,000 grants. * Search by publication date, relevance, or the number of times an article has been cited. * Links to public databases such as UniProt, Protein Data Bank (PDBe), and the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) are provided. * Through textmining technologies, you can highlight and browse keywords such as gene names, organisms and diseases. * Search 40,000 biomedical research grants awarded to the 18,000 PIs supported by the Europe PMC funders. * Roadtest new tools based on Europe PMC content in Europe PMC labs. * In Europe PMC plus, PIs supported by the Europe PMC funders can link grants to publication information, view article citation and download statistics, and submit manuscripts.

Abbreviations: Europe PMC, UKPMC

Synonyms: UK PubMed Central

Resource Type: database, data access protocol, web service, data or information resource, bibliography, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:21062818

Keywords: biomedical, literature, publication, health, life science, patent, clinical guideline, grant, text mining, author identification, archiving, open access, gold standard, bio.tools, bio.tools, FASEB list

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