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RRID:SCR_005439 RRID Copied      
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Bis-SNP (RRID:SCR_005439)
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URL: http://epigenome.usc.edu/publicationdata/bissnp2011/

Proper Citation: Bis-SNP (RRID:SCR_005439)

Description: A software package based on the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) map-reduce framework for genotyping and accurate DNA methylation calling in bisulfite treated massively parallel sequencing (Bisulfite-seq, NOMe-seq, RRBS and any other bisulfite treated sequencing) with Illumina directional library protocol. It contains the following key features: * Call and summarize methylation of any cytosine context provided (CpG, CHH, CHG, GCH et.al.); * Work for single end and paired-end data; * Accurtae variant detection. Enable base quality recalibration and indel calling in bisulfite sequencing; * Based on Java map-reduce framework, allow multi-thread computing. Cross-platform; * Allow multiple output format, detailed VCF files, CpG haplotype reads file for mono-allelic methylation analysis, simplified bedGraph, wig and bed format for visualization in UCSC genome broswer and IGV browser. BisSNP uses bayesian inference with locus specific methylation probabilities and bisulfite conversion rate of different cytosine context(not only CpG, CHH, CHG in Bisulfite-seq, but also GCH et.al. in other bisulfite treated sequencing) to determine genotypes and methylation levels simultaneously.

Abbreviations: Bis-SNP

Synonyms: Bis-SNP - A bisulfite space genotyper & methylation caller, Bis-SNP - A bisulfite space genotyper and methylation caller

Resource Type: software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22784381

Keywords: bio.tools

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University of Southern California; Los Angeles; USA

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