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RRID:SCR_005375 RRID Copied      
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URL: http://bejerano.stanford.edu/prism/public/html/

Proper Citation: PRISM (RRID:SCR_005375)

Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. Documented on May 5,2022.Tool that predicts interactions between transcription factors and their regulated genes from binding motifs. Understanding vertebrate development requires unraveling the cis-regulatory architecture of gene regulation. PRISM provides accurate genome-wide computational predictions of transcription factor binding sites for the human and mouse genomes, and integrates the predictions with GREAT to provide functional biological context. Together, accurate computational binding site prediction and GREAT produce for each transcription factor: 1. putative binding sites, 2. putative target genes, 3. putative biological roles of the transcription factor, and 4. putative cis-regulatory elements through which the factor regulates each target in each functional role.

Abbreviations: PRISM

Synonyms: Predicting Regulatory Information from Single Motifs

Resource Type: data analysis service, database, production service resource, analysis service resource, service resource, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:23382538

Keywords: genomic, transcription factor, function, transcription factor binding site, transcription factor regulator, biological role, target gene, target genomic region, genome, FASEB list

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