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RRID:SCR_002834 RRID Copied      
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GreenPhylDB (RRID:SCR_002834)
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URL: http://www.greenphyl.org/

Proper Citation: GreenPhylDB (RRID:SCR_002834)

Description: A database designed for plant comparative and functional genomics based on complete genomes. It comprises complete proteome sequences from the major phylum of plant evolution. The clustering of these proteomes was performed to define a consistent and extensive set of homeomorphic plant families. Based on this, lists of gene families such as plant or species specific families and several tools are provided to facilitate comparative genomics within plant genomes. The analyses follow two main steps: gene family clustering and phylogenomic analysis of the generated families. Once a group of sequences (cluster) is validated, phylogenetic analyses are performed to predict homolog relationships such as orthologs and ultraparalogs.

Abbreviations: GreenPhylDB

Resource Type: production service resource, database, analysis service resource, data or information resource, data analysis service, service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20864446

Keywords: comparative genomics, genome, functional genomics, genomics, gene family, homolog, bio.tools

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