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RRID:SCR_001503 RRID Copied      
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 ToppCluster  (RRID:SCR_001503)
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URL: http://toppcluster.cchmc.org/

Proper Citation: ToppCluster (RRID:SCR_001503)

Description: A tool for performing multi-cluster gene functional enrichment analyses on large scale data (microarray experiments with many time-points, cell-types, tissue-types, etc.). It facilitates co-analysis of multiple gene lists and yields as output a rich functional map showing the shared and list-specific functional features. The output can be visualized in tabular, heatmap or network formats using built-in options as well as third-party software. It uses the hypergeometric test to obtain functional enrichment achieved via the gene list enrichment analysis option available in ToppGene.

Abbreviations: ToppCluster

Synonyms: ToppCluster: A multiple gene list feature analyzer for the dissection of biological systems

Resource Type: production service resource, analysis service resource, data analysis service, service resource, resource

Defining Citation: PMID:20484371

Keywords: term enrichment, gene, analysis, gene enrichment analysis, connectivity, heatmap, ortholog, microarray, function, bio.tools

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