URL: http://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/server/
Proper Citation: MAFFT (RRID:SCR_011811)
Description: Software package as multiple alignment program for amino acid or nucleotide sequences. Can align up to 500 sequences or maximum file size of 1 MB. First version of MAFFT used algorithm based on progressive alignment, in which sequences were clustered with help of Fast Fourier Transform. Subsequent versions have added other algorithms and modes of operation, including options for faster alignment of large numbers of sequences, higher accuracy alignments, alignment of non-coding RNA sequences, and addition of new sequences to existing alignments.
Abbreviations: MAFFT
Synonyms: Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform, MAFFT version 5, MAFFT version 7
Resource Type: data processing software, image analysis software, data access protocol, software application, software resource, service resource, alignment software, web service
Defining Citation: PMID:12136088, PMID:17118958, PMID:16362903, PMID:15661851, PMID:18439255, PMID:23023983, DOI:10.1093/bib/bbn013
Keywords: alignment, amino acid, nucleotide, sequence, DNA, sequence alignment, bio.tools
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