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RRID:SCR_006507 RRID Copied      
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Phytozome (RRID:SCR_006507)
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URL: http://www.phytozome.net/

Proper Citation: Phytozome (RRID:SCR_006507)

Description: A comparative platform for green plant genomics. Families of orthologous and paralogous genes that represent the modern descendents of ancestral gene sets are constructed at key phylogenetic nodes. These families allow easy access to clade specific orthology / paralogy relationships as well as clade specific genes and gene expansions. As of release v9.1, Phytozome provides access to forty-one sequenced and annotated green plant genomes which have been clustered into gene families at 20 evolutionarily significant nodes. Where possible, each gene has been annotated with PFAM, KOG, KEGG, and PANTHER assignments, and publicly available annotations from RefSeq, UniProt, TAIR, JGI are hyper-linked and searchable.

Abbreviations: Phytozome

Resource Type: data analysis service, database, production service resource, analysis service resource, service resource, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:22110026

Keywords: genome, genomics, plant, green plant, cluster sequence, alignment, gene, node, cluster, blast, blat, biomart, peptide homolog, gene ancestry, sequence, annotation, gene structure, gene family, genome organization, comparative genomics, physiology, comparative, bio.tools, FASEB list

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