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RRID:SCR_004490 RRID Copied      
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Transporter Classification Database (RRID:SCR_004490)
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URL: http://www.tcdb.org/

Proper Citation: Transporter Classification Database (RRID:SCR_004490)

Description: Curated, relational database containing sequence, classification, structural, functional and evolutionary information about transport systems from variety of living organisms based on IUBMB-approved transporter classification (TC) system. Descriptions, TC numbers, and examples of over 600 families of transport proteins are provided. TC system is analogous to Enzyme Commission (EC) system for classification of enzymes, except that it incorporates both functional and phylogenetic information. TCDB users may submit their own sequenced proteins and descriptions for inclusion into database. The software tools used are all freely available for download. These programs are used for analysis of Protein and DNA sequences. Programs require UNIX server to run.

Abbreviations: TCDB, TC

Synonyms: Transporter Classification Database

Resource Type: data processing software, storage service resource, analysis service resource, service resource, data analysis service, data analysis software, data repository, database, data or information resource, production service resource, source code, software application, software resource

Defining Citation: PMID:19022853, PMID:16381841

Keywords: membrane transport, protein sequence, transporter, bio.tools, FASEB list

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University of California at San Diego; California; USA

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