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COSMIC - Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (RRID:SCR_002260)
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URL: http://cancer.sanger.ac.uk/cancergenome/projects/cosmic/

Proper Citation: COSMIC - Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer (RRID:SCR_002260)

Description: Database to store and display somatic mutation information and related details and contains information relating to human cancers. The mutation data and associated information is extracted from the primary literature. In order to provide a consistent view of the data a histology and tissue ontology has been created and all mutations are mapped to a single version of each gene. The data can be queried by tissue, histology or gene and displayed as a graph, as a table or exported in various formats.
Some key features of COSMIC are:
* Contains information on publications, samples and mutations. Includes samples which have been found to be negative for mutations during screening therefore enabling frequency data to be calculated for mutations in different genes in different cancer types.
* Samples entered include benign neoplasms and other benign proliferations, in situ and invasive tumours, recurrences, metastases and cancer cell lines.

Abbreviations: COSMIC

Synonyms: Catalogue Of Somatic Mutations In Cancer

Resource Type: data or information resource, database

Defining Citation: PMID:20952405

Keywords: cancer, mutation, somatic mutation, tumor, cancer genome, genome, gene, dna, tissue, histology, bio.tools, FASEB list

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Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute; Hinxton; United Kingdom

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