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RRID:SCR_007138 RRID Copied      
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Osprey: Network Visualization System (RRID:SCR_007138)
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URL: http://biodata.mshri.on.ca/osprey/servlet/Index

Proper Citation: Osprey: Network Visualization System (RRID:SCR_007138)

Description: Osprey is a software platform for visualization of complex interaction networks. Osprey builds data-rich graphical representations from Geno Ontology (GO) annotated interaction data maintained by The Grid. The following list describes some of the important characteristics of the Osprey Network Visualization System: * Portability ( cross platform availability ) o Osprey is available on almost all Platforms that support the latest Java Plugin * Tools for Biological Analysis o Osprey provides many features such as network filters, connectivity filters, advanced layouts, and dataset superimposing which are extremely useful to biologists who are interested in analyzing their data * Powerful Support Database o Integrated with Osprey is a powerful database of interactions and annotation, see section 8. The GRID ( The General Repository of Interaction Datasets ). * Ease of use o Osprey provides an extremely user friendly interface for working with interaction data * Online Database Add-on Ability o Osprey can be incorporated as a standard visualization tool with online databases such as The GRID * Support for figures o Osprey networks can be saved in SVG, PNG and JPG format so they can be used with image programs Sponsors: Development of Osprey was funded by a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

Synonyms: Osprey

Resource Type: software resource, data visualization software, data processing software, software application, simulation software

Keywords: filter, biological analysis, biologist, interaction, software, visualization

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