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RRID:SCR_004726 RRID Copied      
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Pfam (RRID:SCR_004726)
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URL: http://pfam.xfam.org/

Proper Citation: Pfam (RRID:SCR_004726)

Description: A database of protein families, each represented by multiple sequence alignments and hidden Markov models (HMMs). Users can analyze protein sequences for Pfam matches, view Pfam family annotation and alignments, see groups of related families, look at the domain organization of a protein sequence, find the domains on a PDB structure, and query Pfam by keywords. There are two components to Pfam: Pfam-A and Pfam-B. Pfam-A entries are high quality, manually curated families that may automatically generate a supplement using the ADDA database. These automatically generated entries are called Pfam-B. Although of lower quality, Pfam-B families can be useful for identifying functionally conserved regions when no Pfam-A entries are found. Pfam also generates higher-level groupings of related families, known as clans (collections of Pfam-A entries which are related by similarity of sequence, structure or profile-HMM).

Synonyms: Pfam Database, Protein Families Database, PFAM, Pfam protein families database

Resource Type: database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:24288371, PMID:19920124

Keywords: database, clan, structure, sequence, protein family, domain, bio.tools, FASEB list

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