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RRID:SCR_003912 RRID Copied      
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Institute of Cancer Research (RRID:SCR_003912)
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URL: http://www.icr.ac.uk/

Proper Citation: Institute of Cancer Research (RRID:SCR_003912)

Description: Academic cancer research center, a postgrad college, and a charity in the United Kingdom that is making discoveries that defeat cancer. With their partners The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust they form the largest comprehensive cancer center in Europe and perform high quality and original basic research and translational studies, with the aim of developing better treatments for the benefit of cancer patients worldwide. The ICR offers comprehensive, modern facilities for research and studentships supported by the Wellcome Trust, MRC, CRUK and EPSRC and the ICR''s own resources which are awarded on a competitive basis. The ICR offers postgraduate research degrees (MPhil, PhD and MD (Res)) and a modular postgraduate taught degree in oncology aimed at clinicians undertaking specialist training in the field of Clinical or Medical Oncology leading to a Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma or MSc in Oncology.

Abbreviations: ICR

Synonyms: The Institute of Cancer Research

Resource Type: institution

Keywords: clinical, medical, oncology

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