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RRID:SCR_002750 RRID Copied      
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Mendeley Data (RRID:SCR_002750)
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URL: http://www.mendeley.com/

Proper Citation: Mendeley Data (RRID:SCR_002750)

Description: A free reference manager and academic social network to organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Automatically generate bibliographies, Collaborate easily with other researchers online, Easily import papers from other research software, Find relevant papers based on what you're reading, Access your papers from anywhere online, Read papers on the go with the iPhone app. The software, Mendeley Desktop, offers: * Automatic extraction of document details * Efficient management of your papers * Sharing and synchronization of your library (or parts of it) * Additional features: A plug-in for citing your articles in Microsoft Word, OCR (image-to-text conversion, so you can full-text search all your scanned PDFs), etc The website, Mendeley Web, complements Mendeley Desktop by offering these features: * An online back up of your library * Statistics of all things interesting * A research network that allows you to keep track of your colleagues' publications, conference participations, awards etc * A recommendation engine for papers that might interest you

Abbreviations: Mendeley

Synonyms: , Mendeley Data, Mendeley Research Network, Mendeley

Resource Type: community building portal, software application, portal, mobile app, software resource, data or information resource, database, commercial organization, data management software

Keywords: journal, collaborate, organize, bibliography, mac, windows, linux

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