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RRID:SCR_002727 RRID Copied      
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Rodent Brain WorkBench (RRID:SCR_002727)
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URL: http://www.rbwb.org/

Proper Citation: Rodent Brain WorkBench (RRID:SCR_002727)

Description: The Rodent Brain WorkBench is the portal to atlases, databases and tools developed by the Neural Systems and Graphics Computing Laboratory (NeSys) at the Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (CMBN), University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. The Rodent Brain WorkBench presents a collection of brain mapping and atlasing oriented database applications and tools. The main category of available data is high resolution mosaic images covering complete histological sections through the rat and mouse brain. A highly structured relational database system for archiving, retrieving, viewing, and analysing microscopy and imaging data, aiming at presentation in standardized brain atlas space, is used to present a series of web applications for individual research projects. * Brain Connectivity * Atlases of Mouse Brain Promoter Gene Expression * General Brain Atlas and Navigation Systems * Downloadable tools for 3-DVisualization Open Access: * Atlas 3D * Cerebro-Cerebellar I * Cerebro-Cerebellar II * Neurotransporter Atlas * Rat Hippocampus * Tet-Off Atlas I (PrP) * Tet-Off Atlas II (PrP/CamKII) * Whole Brain Connectivity Atlas The data presented have been produced in collaboration with a large number of laboratories in Europe and the United States.

Abbreviations: rbwb

Synonyms: Rodent Brain Work Bench

Resource Type: software resource, database, data visualization software, data or information resource, atlas, data processing software, software application

Keywords: electron microscopy, image, brain, cerebellar cortex, hippocampus, connectivity, coronal section, high resolution, light microscopy, histology, microscopy, mouse brain, mouse brain atlas, mpeg, mri, nerve cell, nifti, neuroimaging, rat, rat brain, rodent brain, stereotaxic coordinate, xyz coordinate, gene expression

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University of Oslo; Oslo; Norway

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