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Assessing reproducibility of inherited variants detected with short-read whole genome sequencing.

Bohu Pan | Luyao Ren | Vitor Onuchic | Meijian Guan | Rebecca Kusko | Steve Bruinsma | Len Trigg | Andreas Scherer | Baitang Ning | Chaoyang Zhang | Christine Glidewell-Kenney | Chunlin Xiao | Eric Donaldson | Fritz J Sedlazeck | Gary Schroth | Gokhan Yavas | Haiying Grunenwald | Haodong Chen | Heather Meinholz | Joe Meehan | Jing Wang | Jingcheng Yang | Jonathan Foox | Jun Shang | Kelci Miclaus | Lianhua Dong | Leming Shi | Marghoob Mohiyuddin | Mehdi Pirooznia | Ping Gong | Rooz Golshani | Russ Wolfinger | Samir Lababidi | Sayed Mohammad Ebrahim Sahraeian | Steve Sherry | Tao Han | Tao Chen | Tieliu Shi | Wanwan Hou | Weigong Ge | Wen Zou | Wenjing Guo | Wenjun Bao | Wenzhong Xiao | Xiaohui Fan | Yoichi Gondo | Ying Yu | Yongmei Zhao | Zhenqiang Su | Zhichao Liu | Weida Tong | Wenming Xiao | Justin M Zook | Yuanting Zheng | Huixiao Hong
Genome biology | 2022

Reproducible detection of inherited variants with whole genome sequencing (WGS) is vital for the implementation of precision medicine and is a complicated process in which each step affects variant call quality. Systematically assessing reproducibility of inherited variants with WGS and impact of each step in the process is needed for understanding and improving quality of inherited variants from WGS.

Pubmed ID: 34980216 RIS Download

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This is a list of tools and resources that we have found mentioned in this publication.

GATK (tool)


A software package to analyze next-generation resequencing data. The toolkit offers a wide variety of tools, with a primary focus on variant discovery and genotyping as well as strong emphasis on data quality assurance. Its robust architecture, powerful processing engine and high-performance computing features make it capable of taking on projects of any size. This software library makes writing efficient analysis tools using next-generation sequencing data very easy, and second it's a suite of tools for working with human medical resequencing projects such as 1000 Genomes and The Cancer Genome Atlas. These tools include things like a depth of coverage analyzers, a quality score recalibrator, a SNP/indel caller and a local realigner. (entry from Genetic Analysis Software)

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SNVer (tool)


Statistical software tool for calling common and rare variants in analysis of pool or individual next-generation sequencing data. This software is optimized for analysis of whole-exome sequencing data and whole-genome sequencing data.

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Original SAMTOOLS package has been split into three separate repositories including Samtools, BCFtools and HTSlib. Samtools for manipulating next generation sequencing data used for reading, writing, editing, indexing,viewing nucleotide alignments in SAM,BAM,CRAM format. BCFtools used for reading, writing BCF2,VCF, gVCF files and calling, filtering, summarising SNP and short indel sequence variants. HTSlib used for reading, writing high throughput sequencing data.

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International HapMap Project (tool)


THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE, documented August 22, 2016. A multi-country collaboration among scientists and funding agencies to develop a public resource where genetic similarities and differences in human beings are identified and catalogued. Using this information, researchers will be able to find genes that affect health, disease, and individual responses to medications and environmental factors. All of the information generated by the Project will be released into the public domain. Their goal is to compare the genetic sequences of different individuals to identify chromosomal regions where genetic variants are shared. Public and private organizations in six countries are participating in the International HapMap Project. Data generated by the Project can be downloaded with minimal constraints. HapMap project related data, software, and documentation include: bulk data on genotypes, frequencies, LD data, phasing data, allocated SNPs, recombination rates and hotspots, SNP assays, Perlegen amplicons, raw data, inferred genotypes, and mitochondrial and chrY haplogroups; Generic Genome Browser software; protocols and information on assay design, genotyping and other protocols used in the project; and documentation of samples/individuals and the XML format used in the project.

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Stampy (tool)


A software package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. It''s recommended for most workflows, including those for genomic resequencing, RNA-Seq and Chip-seq. Stampy excels in the mapping of reads containing that contain sequence variation relative to the reference, in particular for those containing insertions or deletions. It can map reads from a highly divergent species to a reference genome for instance. Stampy achieves high sensitivity and speed by using a fast hashing algorithm and a detailed statistical model. Stampy has the following features: * Maps single, paired-end and mate pair Illumina reads to a reference genome * Fast: about 20 Gbase per hour in hybrid mode (using BWA) * Low memory footprint: 2.7 Gb shared memory for a 3Gbase genome * High sensitivity for indels and divergent reads, up to 10-15% * Low mapping bias for reads with SNPs * Well calibrated mapping quality scores * Input: Fastq and Fasta; gzipped or plain * Output: SAM, Maq''s map file * Optionally calculates per-base alignment posteriors * Optionally processes part of the input * Handles reads of up to 4500 bases

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Picard (tool)


Java toolset for working with next generation sequencing data in the BAM format.

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VARSCAN (tool)


A platform-independent, technology-independent software tool for identifying SNPs and indels in massively parallel sequencing of individual and pooled samples. Given data for a single sample, VarScan identifies and filters germline variants based on read counts, base quality, and allele frequency. Given data for a tumor-normal pair, VarScan also determines the somatic status of each variant (Germline, Somatic, or LOH) by comparing read counts between samples. (entry from Genetic Analysis Software)

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Thermo Fisher Scientific (tool)


Commercial vendor and service provider of laboratory reagents and antibodies. Supplier of scientific instrumentation, reagents and consumables, and software services.

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QIAGEN (tool)


A commercial organization which provides assay technologies to isolate DNA, RNA, and proteins from any biological sample. Assay technologies are then used to make specific target biomolecules, such as the DNA of a specific virus, visible for subsequent analysis.

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Software application (entry from Genetic Analysis Software)

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FreeBayes (tool)


A Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs, indels, MNPs, and complex events smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment.

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FastQC (tool)


Quality control software that perform checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. This software also provides a modular set of analyses which can give a quick impression of the quality of the data prior to further analysis.

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bcl2fastq (tool)


Conversion software that both demultiplexes data and converts BCL files generated by Illumina sequencing systems to standard FASTQ file formats for downstream analysis.

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GM12878 (tool)


Cell line GM12878 is a Transformed cell line with a species of origin Homo sapiens (Human)

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