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Organism Name
RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00000001 RRID Copied  
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Proper Citation: RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00000001

Description: Caenorhabditis elegans with name Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. from WB.

Species: Caenorhabditis elegans

Synonyms: Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate.

Notes: C. elegans var Bristol. Generation time is about 3 days. Brood size is about 350. Also CGC reference 257. Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966. Subcultured by Don Riddle in 1973. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. DR subclone of CB original (Tc1 pattern I).|"C. elegans var Bristol. Generation time is about 3 days. Brood size is about 350. Also CGC reference 257. Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966. Subcultured by Don Riddle in 1973. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. DR subclone of CB original (Tc1 pattern I). [NOTE: This stock might carry a ~1.8 kb deletion in alh-2 in the background. (UPDATE: 03/26/2018 - a user reported the stock they received was homozygous for the alh-2(ot588) mutation.)]"|"C. elegans var Bristol. Generation time is about 3 days. Brood size is about 350. Also CGC reference 257. Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966. Subcultured by Don Riddle in 1973. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. DR subclone of CB original (Tc1 pattern I). [NOTE: This stock might carry a ~1.8 kb deletion in alh-2 in the background.]"|"Reference WBPaper00055815 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056552 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056729 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056839 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056884 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056919 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00056921 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057117 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057197 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057236 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057259 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057289 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057312 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058621 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058626 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058640 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058667 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058717 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058750 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058810 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058832 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058851 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00059068 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00059172 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00059179 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00059256 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"WT C. elegans. From Cambridge collection-originally frozen around 1968: In 1980, in order to establish an ancestral stock, Jonathan Hodgkin thawed one of the earliest frozen tubes of N2, dating from 1968. From this plate J.H. grew up a population en masse (without subculturing) on NGM plates (about 2 generations). Multiple samples of this were frozen in order to provide a reference N2 stock. This set of stock samples was replenished by regrowth in 1985 and 1991, using the same procedure, and a freshly thawed sample was sent to the CGC in 1993. Thus, samples from this frozen stock, called N2 (ancestral), should be only about 6 generations away from the stock used by Sydney Brenner as his standard WT N2. [Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydner Brenner ca. 1966.] Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Note: N2 (ancestral) has reduced lifespan and fertility relative to the standard CGC N2 strains. See Worm Breeder's Gazette 16(5): 24 (February 1,2001)."

Affected Gene: EMPTY

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Source: Integrated Animals

Source Database: WormBase (WB)