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RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00005102 RRID Copied  
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Proper Citation: RRID:WB-STRAIN:WBStrain00005102

Description: Caenorhabditis elegans with name dvIs19 [(pAF15)gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. from WB.

Species: Caenorhabditis elegans

Synonyms: dvIs19 [(pAF15)gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III.

Notes: dvIs19 [(pAF15)gst-4p::GFP::NLS] III. Oxidative stress-inducible GFP.|"Reference WBPaper00054805 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057197 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00057259 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058621 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"Reference WBPaper00058851 added based on published strain data identified by Textpresso literature search."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00059548 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060449 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060456 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060486 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060545 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060669 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060692 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060778 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060797 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060840 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060896 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060924 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00060976 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061045 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061159 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061220 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061236 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061385 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061436 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061452 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061495 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061547 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061584 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061641 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061671 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061869 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061871 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061890 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061895 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain mapped, WBPaper00061902 added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain provided so WBPaper00059545 paper added based on AFP_Strain data."|"WBStrain provided so WBPaper00060797 paper added based on AFP_Strain data."

Affected Gene: WBGene00001752(gst-4)

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Source: Integrated Animals

Source Database: WormBase (WB)