URL: https://github.com/SharonLutz/Umediation
Proper Citation: Umediation (RRID:SCR_024492)
Description: Software R package that examines the role of unmeasured confounding in mediation analysis allowing for normally distributed or Bernoulli distributed exposures, outcomes, mediators, measured confounders, and unmeasured confounders. Umediation also accommodates multiple measured confounders, multiple unmeasured confounders, and allows for mediator exposure interaction on the outcome. Enables to simulate unmeasured confounding in mediation analysis in order to see how the results of the mediation analysis would change in the presence of unmeasured confounding.
Resource Type: data analysis software, software application, data processing software, software resource
Defining Citation: PMID:28724417
Keywords: simulate unmeasured confounding in mediation analysis, mediation analysis, unmeasured confounding,
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