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RRID:SCR_010276 RRID Copied      
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HHpred (RRID:SCR_010276)
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URL: http://toolkit.tuebingen.mpg.de/hhpred

Proper Citation: HHpred (RRID:SCR_010276)

Description: The primary aim in developing HHpred was to provide biologists with a method for sequence database searching and structure prediction that is as easy to use as BLAST or PSI-BLAST and that is at the same time much more sensitive in finding remote homologs. In fact, HHpred''s sensitivity is competitive with the most powerful servers for structure prediction currently available. HHpred is the first server that is based on the pairwise comparison of profile hidden Markov models (HMMs). Whereas most conventional sequence search methods search sequence databases such as UniProt or the NR, HHpred searches alignment databases, like Pfam or SMART. This greatly simplifies the list of hits to a number of sequence families instead of a clutter of single sequences. All major publicly available profile and alignment databases are available through HHpred.

Synonyms: Homology detection & structure prediction by HMM-HMM comparison

Resource Type: data or information resource, software resource, database

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