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RRID:SCR_010269 RRID Copied      
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The Li Lab at UCSF (RRID:SCR_010269)
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URL: http://urogene.org/

Proper Citation: The Li Lab at UCSF (RRID:SCR_010269)

Description: Laboratory portal that houses the following databases. MethPrimer is a program for designing bisulfite-conversion-based Methylation PCR Primers. Currently, it can design primers for two types of bisulfite PCR: 1) Methylation-Specific PCR (MSP) and 2) Bisulfite-Sequencing PCR (BSP) or Bisulfite-Restriction PCR. CpG Island Prediction MethPrimer can also analyze input sequences for the existence of CpG islands. Human Prostate Gene Database (PGDB) is a curated and integrated database of human genes related to the prostate and prostatic diseases. Human Kidney Gene Database (KGDB) is a curated and integrated database of human genes related to the kidney and renal diseases. The Li Lab is interested in understanding how small RNA regulates gene expression at the transcriptional level by targeting gene promoter sequences, particularly how small RNA activates gene transcription, a phenomenon termed RNA activation (RNAa).

Synonyms: The Li Lab in the Department of Urology and Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCSF

Resource Type: database, data or information resource

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