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RRID:SCR_009644 RRID Copied      
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SPM SS - fMRI functional localizers (RRID:SCR_009644)
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URL: http://web.mit.edu/evelina9/www/funcloc.html

Proper Citation: SPM SS - fMRI functional localizers (RRID:SCR_009644)

Description: Spm-toolbox that performs region of interest (ROI)-level and voxel-level between-subjects analyses of functional MRI data, restricting the analyses to those areas identified using subject-specific functional localizers. Methods: The toolbox implements ROI-level and voxel-level analyses, and it implements an automatic cross-validation procedure when the localizers are not orthogonal to the effects-of-interest. ROI-level analyses allow manually defined parcels of interest, as well as automatically-defined ones (GcSS procedure, Fedorenko et al. 2010). General linear model second-level analyses are implemented, including ReML and OLS estimation of population level effects. Hypothesis testing includes standard univariate tests as well as multivariate tests for mixed within- and between-subject designs (T, F, and Wilks' lambda statistics) This toolbox requires Matlab and SPM5/SPM8.

Abbreviations: spm_ss

Synonyms: spm_ss toolbox, SPM toolbox for subject-specific analyses

Resource Type: software resource, data processing software, software toolkit, software application, image analysis software

Keywords: analyze, linear, matlab, modeling, magnetic resonance, nifti, os independent, regression, statistical operation, win32 (ms windows), statistical parametric mapping, fmri

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