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RRID:SCR_009588 RRID Copied      
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JIP Analysis Toolkit (RRID:SCR_009588)
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URL: http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/~jbm/jip/

Proper Citation: JIP Analysis Toolkit (RRID:SCR_009588)

Description: Software toolkit for analysis of rodent and non-human primate fMRI data. The toolkit consists of binary executables, highly portable open-source c code, and image resources that enable 1) Automated registration based upon mutual information (affine, non-linear warps), with flexible control and visualization of each step; 2) visualization of 4-dimensional data using either mosaic or tri-planar display of the z/slice dimension, and integration of a general linear model for graphical display of time series analysis; 3) A simple and flexible 1st-order GLM for fMRI time series analysis, a 1st-order GLM analysis for PET data within the SRTM framework, plus a 2nd-order GLM analysis following the Worsley 2002 scheme, and 4) MRI templates to place your rodent and non-human primate data into standardized spaces.

Abbreviations: JIP Toolkit

Synonyms: JIP fMRI Analysis Toolkit

Resource Type: image analysis software, software toolkit, software resource, software application, data processing software

Keywords: affine warp, atlas application, atlas data, c, console (text based), image display, image-to-image, linux, macos, magnetic resonance, nifti, nonlinear warp, pet, spect, posix/unix-like, registration, resampling, spatial transformation, time domain analysis, visualization, warping, fmri

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