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Northeastern Collaborative Access Team (RRID:SCR_008999)
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URL: http://necat.chem.cornell.edu/

Proper Citation: Northeastern Collaborative Access Team (RRID:SCR_008999)

Description: Biomedical technology research center for macromolecular crystallography at Sector 24 of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The macromolecules studied by resource users often involve large unit cells, small crystals, weakly diffracting crystals and crystals with weak anomalous scattering. Technological research includes use of silicon monochromators, focusing optics, methods of phase determination, radiation damage, X-ray detectors, automated sample mounting, microdiffraction and crystallographic software.

Abbreviations: NE-CAT, NECAT

Synonyms: Northeastern CAT, Northeastern Collaborative Access Team Undulator Resource for Structural Biology

Resource Type: training resource, access service resource, service resource, biomedical technology research center

Keywords: synchrotron, x-ray, beamline, structural biology, macromolecular crystallography, macromolecule, crystallography, structural biology technology center

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Cornell University; New York; USA

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