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RRID:SCR_008251 RRID Copied      
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Joint Center for Structural Genomics (RRID:SCR_008251)
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URL: http://www.jcsg.org/

Proper Citation: Joint Center for Structural Genomics (RRID:SCR_008251)

Description: The JCSG is a multi-institutional consortium that aims to explore the expanding protein universe to find new challenges and opportunities to significantly contribute to new biology, chemistry and medicine through development of HT approaches to structural genomics. The mission of JCSG is to to operate a robust HT protein structure determination pipeline as a large-scale production center for PSI-2. A major goal is to ensure that innovative high-throughput approaches are developed that advance not only structural genomics, but also structural biology in general, via investigation of large numbers of high-value structures that populate protein fold and family space and by increasing the efficiency of structure determination at substantially reduced cost. The JCSG centralizes each core activity into single dedicated sites, each handling distinct, but interconnected objectives. This unique approach allows each specialized group to focus on its own area of expertise and provides well-defined interfaces among the groups. In addition, this approach addresses the requirements for the scalability needed to process large numbers of targets at a greatly reduced cost per target. JCSG production groups are: - Administrative Core - Bioinformatics Core - Crystallomics Core - Structure Determination Core - NMR Core JCSG is deeply committed to the development of new technologies that facilitate high throughput structural genomics. The areas of development include hardware, software, new experimental methods, and adaptation of existing technologies to advance genome research. In the hardware arena, their commitment is to the development of technologies that accelerate structure solution by increasing throughput rates at every stage of the production pipeline. Therefore, one major area of hardware development has been the implementation of robotics. In the software arena, they have developed enterprise resource software that track success, failures, and sample histories from target selection to PDB deposition, annotation and target management tools, and helper applications aimed at facilitating and automating multiple steps in the pipeline. Sponsors: The Joint Center for Structural Genomics is funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), as part of the second phase of the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) of the National Institutes of Health (U54 GM074898).

Abbreviations: JCSG

Synonyms: JCSG

Resource Type: institution

Keywords: exclusion chromatography, expression, fine-structure spectroscopy, fold, absorption, affinity, bacterial, baculovirus, bioinformatics, biology, biophysical, cell, chemistry, cloning, crystallization, crystallomics, differential scanning calorimetry, diffraction, domain, genomic, gnfuge, growth, hardware, ief gel electrophoresis, macromoleuclar, medicine, microexpression, mouse, nmr, optical density, physicochemical, protein, purification, recombinatorial, robotics, sds-page, sequence, software, structural, structural biology, structure, technology, thermocycler, topoisomerase, tryptic mass spectrometry, uv/vis absorbance scan, x-ray

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