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Brain Computer Interface 2000 Software Package (RRID:SCR_007346)
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URL: https://www.bci2000.org/

Proper Citation: Brain Computer Interface 2000 Software Package (RRID:SCR_007346)

Description: BCI2000 is a general-purpose system for brain-computer interface (BCI) and adaptive neurotechnology research. It can also be used for data acquisition, stimulus presentation, and brain monitoring applications. The mission of the BCI2000 project is to facilitate research and applications in the areas described. Their vision is that BCI2000 will become a widely used software tool for diverse areas of real-time biosignal processing. In order to achieve this vision, BCI2000 system is available for free for non-profit research and educational purposes. BCI2000 supports a variety of data acquisition systems, brain signals, and study/feedback paradigms. During operation, BCI2000 stores data in a common format (BCI2000 native or GDF), along with all relevant event markers and information about system configuration. BCI2000 also includes several tools for data import/conversion (e.g., a routine to load BCI2000 data files directly into Matlab) and export facilities into ASCII. BCI2000 also facilitates interactions with other software. For example, Matlab scripts can be executed in real-time from within BCI2000, or BCI2000 filters can be compiled to execute as stand-alone programs. Furthermore, a simple network-based interface allows for interactions with external programs written in any programming language. For example, a robotic arm application that is external to BCI2000 may be controlled in real time based on brain signals processed by BCI2000, or BCI2000 may use and store along with brain signals behavioral-based inputs such as eye-tracker coordinates. Because it is based on a framework whose services can support any BCI implementation, the use of BCI2000 provides maximum benefit to comprehensive research programs that operate multiple BCI2000 installations to collect data for a variety of studies. The most important benefits of the system in such situations are: - A Proven Solution - Facilitates Operation of Research Programs - Facilitates Deployment in Multiple Sites - Cross-Platform and Cross-Compiler Compatibility - Open Resource Sponsors: BCI2000 development is sponsored by NIH/NIBIB R01 and NIH/NINDS U24 grants. Keywords: General, Purpose, Systems, Brain, Computer, Interface, Research, Application, Brain, Diverse, Educational, Laboratory, Software, Network, Signals, Behavioral, Eye, Tracker,

Synonyms: BCI2000

Resource Type: data processing software, software resource, software application

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