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RRID:SCR_007317 RRID Copied      
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NIA Aged Rodent Colonies (RRID:SCR_007317)
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URL: http://www.nia.nih.gov/research/dab/aged-rodent-colonies-handbook

Proper Citation: NIA Aged Rodent Colonies (RRID:SCR_007317)

Description: Colonies of barrier-raised, Specific Pathogen-Free (SPF) rodents under contractual arrangement with commercial vendors, specifically for use in aging research. They are not available for use as a general source of adult animals for unrelated areas of research. Animals from the NIA aged rodent colonies are available to investigators at academic and non-profit research institutions under the terms described on the Eligibility Criteria page. Orders must be submitted through the online rodent ordering system (ROS) (http://arc.niapublications.org/acb/stores/1/). Available strains: * Inbred Rats: Fischer 344 (F344), Brown Norway (BN) * Hybrid Rats: F344xBN F1 (F344BN); * Inbred Mice: BALB/cBy, CBA, C57BL/6, DBA/2 * Hybrid Mice: CB6F1 (BALB/cBy x C57BL/6), B6D2F1 (C57BL/6 x DBA/2) * Caloric Restricted Rats: F344 (males only), F344BN F1 (males only) * Caloric Restricted Mice: C57BL/6; B6D2F1 (males only)

Abbreviations: Aged Rodent Colonies

Synonyms: NIA Aged Rodent Colonies Handbook, Aged Rodent Colonies Handbook, Aging-Related Rodent Colonies, Aging-Related Rat Colonies

Resource Type: organism supplier, material resource, biomaterial supply resource

Keywords: rodent, inbred mouse strain, inbred rat strain, hybrid rat strain, hybrid mouse strain, caloric restricted, male, mouse strain, adult mouse, rat strain

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