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RRID:SCR_007172 RRID Copied      
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Bioscreen C MBR (RRID:SCR_007172)
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URL: http://www.bioscreen.fi

Proper Citation: Bioscreen C MBR (RRID:SCR_007172)

Description: Biosceen C is a system designed for automating routine microbiology work. It uses a unique micro-plate format (10x10 wells), so called Honeycomb format, which is especially well suited for highly accurate temperature control. It features two covered honeycomb plates making it possible to run 200 samples simultaneously. Its unique patented incubator system features temperature control maintaining the set temperature with a 0,1 degree centigrade accuracy, while avoiding condensation of liquid on the inside of the micro plate lid. It can cool down the samples 6 degrees centigrade below the ambient temperature and its working range is from 1 to 60 degrees in steps of 0,1 degree centigrade. Sponsors: Oy Growth Curves Ab Ltd is a privately held company established in 2002 by a former Labsystems executive. It aquired the Bioscreen product line from Thermo Labsystems and has continued to maintain the product excellence Bioscreen is known for. Today the company is controlled by a new generation of owner operators, dedicated to continue developing Bioscreen to meet the demands of today''s users Keywords: Microbiology, Automation, Honeycomb, Incubation, System, Temperature, Technology, Supplier,

Synonyms: Bioscreen C

Resource Type: instrument resource

Keywords: hardware, instrument, equipment, microbiology, temperature

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