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InParanoid: Eukaryotic Ortholog Groups (RRID:SCR_006801)
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URL: http://inparanoid.sbc.su.se/cgi-bin/index.cgi

Proper Citation: InParanoid: Eukaryotic Ortholog Groups (RRID:SCR_006801)

Description: Collection of pairwise comparisons between 100 whole genomes generated by a fully automatic method for finding orthologs and in-paralogs between TWO species. Ortholog clusters in the InParanoid are seeded with a two-way best pairwise match, after which an algorithm for adding in-paralogs is applied. The method bypasses multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees, which can be slow and error-prone steps in classical ortholog detection. Still, it robustly detects complex orthologous relationships and assigns confidence values for in-paralogs. The original data sets can be downloaded.

Abbreviations: InParanoid

Synonyms: Inparanoid eukaryotic ortholog database

Resource Type: data or information resource, service resource, production service resource, analysis service resource, data analysis service, database

Defining Citation: PMID:19892828, PMID:18055500, PMID:15608241, PMID:11743721

Keywords: protein, ortholog, genome, drosophila pseudoobscura, duplication, entamoeba histolytica, escherichia colik12, eukaryotic, gasterosteus aculeatus, gene, aedes aegypti, apis mellifera, bos taurus, caenorhabditis remanei, candida glabrata, canis familiaris, ciona intestinalis, cryptococcus neoformans, debaromyces hansenii, dictyostelium discoideum, genomic, homolog, inparalog, kluyveromyces lactis, macaca mulatta, monodelphis domestica, orthology, oryza sativa, outparalog, proteome, tetraodon nigroviridis, xenopus tropicalis, blast, proteome, ortholog cluster, cluster, in-paralog, paralog, automatic clustering, genome comparison, FASEB list

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Stockholm University; Stockholm; Sweden

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