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RRID:SCR_006766 RRID Copied      
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Pre Ensembl (RRID:SCR_006766)
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URL: http://pre.ensembl.org/index.html

Proper Citation: Pre Ensembl (RRID:SCR_006766)

Description: Database of genomes that are in the process of being annotated are provided as an early access site for users. Genomes are here when the initial BLAST analysis on a new assembly has been done but the gene build has not been completed. Owing to the preliminary nature of the data, Pre-Ensembl provides views of the assembly, BLAST against the assembly and download of portions of the assembly - and little else. A number of ready-made tools for processing your data are also available. In general a full Ensembl release takes months depending on how complex the data are and the time constraints of people in the team. Occasionally a more complete gene build will be released on this site, but without any comparative genomics, variation or other additional data. Many other species with fully annotated genomic data, more website features and documentation are available at www.ensembl.org

Abbreviations: Pre Ensembl, Pre-Ensembl, Pre!Ensembl, Pre! Ensembl

Synonyms: Ensemble Pre-release Genome Browser, Ensembl pre-build, PreEnsembl

Resource Type: database, analysis service resource, production service resource, service resource, data or information resource, data analysis service

Keywords: genome, annotation, blast, blat, assembly

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