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RRID:SCR_006587 RRID Copied      
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ESPript 2.2 (RRID:SCR_006587)
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URL: http://espript.ibcp.fr/ESPript/ESPript/

Proper Citation: ESPript 2.2 (RRID:SCR_006587)

Description: A utility, whose output is a PostScript file of aligned sequences with graphical enhancements. Its main input is an ascii file of pre-aligned sequences. Optional files allow further rendering. The program calculates a similarity score for each residue of the aligned sequences. The output shows: * Secondary Structures * Aligned sequences * Similarities * Accessibility * Hydropathy * User-supplied markers * Intermolecular contacts In addition, similarity score can be written in the bfactor column of a pdb file, to enable direct display of highly conserved areas. You can run ESPript from this server with the HTML interface. It is configured for a maximum of 1,000 sequences. Links to webESPript * ENDscript: you can upload a PDB file or enter a PDB code such as 1M85. The programs DSSP and CNS are executed via the interface, so as to obtain an ESPript figure with a lot of structural information (secondary structure elements, intermolecular contacts). You can also find homologous sequences with a BLAST search, perform multiple sequence alignments with MULTALIN or CLUSTALW and create an image with BOBSCRIPT or MOLSCRIPT to show similarities on your 3D structure. * ProDom: you can enter a sequence identifier to find homologous domains, perform multiple sequence alignments with MULTALIN and click on the link to ESPript. * Predict Protein: you can receive a mail in text (do not use the HTML option when you submit your request in Predict Protein) with aligned sequences and numerous information including secondary structure prediction. Click on a special html link to upload your mail in ESPript. * NPS(at): you can execute the programs BLAST and CLUSTALW to obtain multiple alignments. You can predict secondary structure elements and click on the link to ESPript. This program started in the laboratory of Dr Richard Wade at the Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble. It moved later to the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics in Oxford, then to the Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale in Toulouse. It is now developed in the Laboratoire de BioCristallographie of Dr Richard Haser, Institut de Biologie et de Chimie des Prot��������ines, Lyon and in the Laboratoire de Biologie Mol��������culaire et de Relations Plantes-Organismes, group of Dr Daniel Kahn, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Toulouse.

Abbreviations: ESPript

Synonyms: Easy Sequencing in Postscript

Resource Type: software resource, data analysis service, software application, data processing software, service resource, analysis service resource, production service resource

Defining Citation: PMID:10320398, PMID:12824317

Keywords: postscript, aligned sequence, sequencing, blast, protein

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