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RRID:SCR_005414 RRID Copied      
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URL: https://github.com/SciCrunch/NIF-Ontology

Proper Citation: NIFSTD (RRID:SCR_005414)

Description: The NIF Standard Ontology (NIFSTD) is a collection of modular ontologies that provides an extensive set of terms and concepts important for the domains of neuroscience and biology, as well as the data and resources relevant for the life sciences. It is a core component of the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) project, a semantically enhanced portal for accessing and integrating neuroscience data, tools and information.

Abbreviations: NIFSTD

Synonyms: Neuroscience Information Framework Standard Ontology, NIF Ontology, NIF Standard, NIF-Ontology, Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) Standard Ontology, NIF Standard Ontology, NIFSTD Ontology, NIF Ontologies

Resource Type: data or information resource, ontology, controlled vocabulary

Defining Citation: PMID:18975148, PMID:22737162

Keywords: behavioral activity, behavioral paradigm, brain region, cell, neuron, disease, molecule, nervous system function, subcellular part, resource type, quality, brain, neuroscience, biological process, cellular anatomy, anatomy, subcellular, subcellular anatomy, organism, neurological disorder, neurologic disease, dysfunction, owl

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