URL: http://darwin.di.uminho.pt/anote2/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Proper Citation: (at)Note (RRID:SCR_005342)
Description: THIS RESOURCE IS NO LONGER IN SERVICE. Documented September 18, 2017. Text Mining platform that copes with major Information Retrieval and Information Extraction tasks and promotes multi-disciplinary research. It aims to provide support to three different usage roles: biologists, text miners and application developers. The workbench supports the retrieval, processing and annotation of documents as well as their analysis at different levels.
Abbreviations: (at)Note
Synonyms: (at)Note2 - A workbench for Biomedical Text Mining
Resource Type: software resource, software application, text-mining software
Defining Citation: PMID:19393341
Keywords: java, java swt, text, mining
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